Collaboration Insights Enters HCM Tech Market with yüMIvü People Chemistry Platform to Provide Individuals and Teams Real-Time Intel on How to “Work the Way They are Wired”

LINCOLN, Nebraska – July 22, 2022 – Collaboration Insights is adding a new people chemistry category to the human capital management (HCM) software market. The recently released yüMIvü platform works sits inside of workplace collaboration solutions delivering dynamic “share and compare” insights to improve individual, 1:1, and group interactions and outcomes.
“yüMIvü seeks to raise awareness of our differences in ‘people chemistry’ to enable understanding,” said Stephen Tucker, president of Collaboration Insights. “The platform provides dynamic, actionable insights to empower individuals and teams to ‘work the way they are wired.’”
Pronounced “you-me-view,” yüMIvü is a play on the insights the app provides “about you (yu), about me (MI), and about our comparative view (vu).
Once you have completed the yüMIvü Profile Builder, you will see meter readings across 10 common interaction points in life.
yüMIvü is far more than a managerial resource
It is rooted in effective collaboration and focuses on guidance that happens within real-time points of team engagement. Users build their yüMIvü profile by answering key questions. Once complete, moment-in-time, people chemistry insights start to flow. Guidance is delivered via top-level graphics accompanied by drill-down detail options for a compelling user experience.
Coaching on how to work effectively by taking into consideration the inherent wiring of individuals and groups appears directly in the Microsoft interface.
Dynamic insights appear within Microsoft Teams and Outlook
In addition to working standalone, the yüMIvü platform currently integrates within Teams and Outlook, improving meetings, chats, and collaboration. Coaching on how to work effectively by taking into consideration the inherent wiring of individuals and groups appears directly in the Microsoft interface.
yüMIvü insights are dynamic – so when the makeup of a channel and/or on your meeting-invitee list changes, yüMIvü instantly refreshes to show individuals how to find the best path to common ground.
For HCM managers, yüMIvü delivers key people chemistry insights in real time in support of daily team member work activities within the following free and fee-based collections:
- Better Chemistry – provides the modules Friction Finder (also available within Microsoft Teams) and Staying Motivated, along with individual, coaching, and 1:1 team-member comparison. This module is available to users at no cost.
- Better Meetings – delivers insights for meeting agendas, pre-meeting sharing, running a meeting, and achieving buy-in on next steps.
- When integrated with Microsoft Outlook, it automatically inherits the meeting attendees and issues insights based on group composition.
- Better Teams – includes the modules Project Chemistry, Workflow Friction Detector, and Team Creator.
- Better Decisions – improves the decision-making process through Risk Appetite to Decision Type Analysis, Bias Risk Potential awareness alerts, Decision Buy-in guidance, and Decision Model recommendations. This best-practice solution can be used in tandem with meetings scheduled through Outlook.
yüMIvü also supports HCM leadership through value-added resources including:
- Optimal team formation including DEI blind selection
- Succession planning to identify how a succeeding team member will engage with the team differently than the departing member
- Retention risk reduction by revealing ways employees can “work the way they are wired
- Best-fit approaches for communication and motivation related to compensation
- Strategies for improving productivity
- Workflow friction detector and avoidance tactics
- Approaches for tailoring the job to the person, not the person to the job
- Employee engagement and motivation

“As organizations become more and more collaborative with team members moving in and out of projects, the benefits of people chemistry increases,” said yüMIvü Co-founder Donna Pirotte who uses the platform at the food processing business her family owns. “yüMIvü is particularly useful for us by revealing the natural wiring of employees and managers so they can avoid friction points and work in a way that is comfortable for all. That insight is invaluable in terms of productivity and retention.”
The yüMIvü Better Chemistry Collection is free for businesses, community groups, families, and friend groups to use. yüMIvü Pro, which adds many of the workplace modules, is free for 60 days.
No Obligation Trial
Click Try for Free at use the code FREE4ME. Daily demos and help sessions are available on the website for those wanting to learn more or who want assistance with trial implementation.
About Collaboration Insights
Collaboration Insights team has ties to both the Lincoln and Kansas City startup communities. Members have extensive expertise in technology operations, software development, behavioral science, and venture development. Learn about the team.